niedziela, 29 marca 2015


Today, a bit of grammar… Well, is it music to your ears or are you petrified of the mere sound of the word “grammar”?
Well, let us try to convince you that grammar’s not as black as it’s painted. Let’s get started.

If you were to choose past perfect, past simple/past continuous, would,
 which tense/form would you use:
  1.  after “wish” or “if only” if we want something to be different in the present?
  2. after “wish” or “if only” when we regret that something happened or didn’t happen in the past?
  3. after “wish” or “if only” for a polite imperative or when we want an irritating or tedious situation to change?

The answers are:
a)      past simple/past continuous
b)      past perfect
c)       would

Task 1. Choose the correct form.
  1.  Mike wishes he had/had had a car. His life would be much easier.
  2. I wish he had stopped/would stop smoking in my living room.
  3. I hate it! If only I hadn’t made/didn’t make that mistake. Everything would have ended well.

Task 2. Complete these sentences using the verbs in brackets.
1. I wish you __________ (be) here.
4. I wish you ______________ (tidy) your room more often.
2. If only I _____________ (not have to) commute to work every day.
5. If only I ________________ (not neglect) my friend when she needed my help.
3. He wishes he ________________ (not steal) that car. He wouldn’t be a prisoner now.
6. She wishes she ____________ (have) a brother.

A little dessert…
Do not use “would” after “I” or “we”. Use “could”.

Answer key. Task 1. 1.had 2. would stop 3. hadn’t made
Task 2. 1. were 2. didn’t have to            3. hadn’t stolen 4. would tidy/tidied   5. hadn’t neglected   6. had

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