poniedziałek, 17 grudnia 2012

Wishing you the unforgettable Christmas time….

Try our Xmas close- we guarantee it will put you in the right spirit!

Christmas is the most 1____________ celebrated festival all 2_________ the world, and also the most popular festival globally. There are so many icons that we 3______________ Christmas with. In 4____________, these things have become so common with the celebration of Christmas that when we see Santa riding on a reindeer sledge with the stocking 5___________ of gifts and sweets, or the familiar green trees being 6_____________ with tinsels and stars, and gingerbread and fruits, or houses being beautified with holly  - we know Christmas has 7________________.  For, these are what Christmas means to us, at 8_______________ symbolically.  But most of all, Christmas is for joy, for giving and sharing with, for laughter, for 9_____________ together with family and friends and kissing them  under the 10.__________________!

Sample answers  /you can come up with many different options!/: 1. widely    2.over  3. associate  4. fact      5.full   6.decorated   7.come       8. least     9. being  10.mistletoe

And some extra questions:

     What did the reindeer say when he saw Santa?
   Answer: Nothing, reindeer can't talk.


  Why do reindeers wear fur coats?
 Answer: Because they look ridiculous in polyester.


How does one snowman greet the other one?
Answer: Ice to meet you.

How do you know that Santa is a man?
Answer: No woman wears the same clothes every year.


What did Adam say on the day before Christmas?
Answer: It’s Christmas, Eve!





Christmas is everywhere... but can you answer these questions?

1.       Who did the Angels announce Jesus’s birth to? Who takes care of sheep?

2.       Where did Holy Mary place her baby son Jesus?

3.       What is the best thing to kiss under at Christmas time?

4.       What is the main religious ceremony held at midnight on Christmas Eve?

5.        Is a tinsel made of shiny paper and used as decorations at Christmas?

6.       What limousine does Santa drive?

7.       Was Jesus born in a stable?

8.       What should you do with a present before giving it to someone?

9.       Will you be leaving stockings to be filled with gifts this year?


1.  Shepherds   2.  In a manger                 3. A mistletoe                   4. Midnight Mass

5. Yes, it is.         6.  A sleigh                          7.  Yes, he was.                8.  Wrap it

niedziela, 16 grudnia 2012

Idioms for the helpless

Idioms for the helpless- Colours  

During  any exams we take we want to show our true colours; everybody tells you to use colourful language to  express things  in a more interesting and vivid way. Easier said than done… Remember:
-          Use the phrases you know and understand perfectly well- it is pointless
and artificial to overuse idioms
-          To remember the meaning of an idiom try to find its closest equivalent in Polish- it might be a funny and eye-opening exercise

-          Try to personalize every idiom you are trying to learn- make sentences about yourself, your friends- give the phrase a chance to live some real life!

Which colours go with which words to make compounds or idioms?

1.every cloud has a ............... lining                       2. to be a ............. sheep  
3.a real bolt from the ...........                                                 4. scream ........... murder       

                                                   5. paint the town ...........

6.get down in ........... and ...........                                    
                                                                                        7.to be tickled .............                                 

                                              8. to be ........... with envy

9.to do something once in a ........... moon                                      10. to be .......... blooded

                                                                                   11. ........... matter

12.to have  ........... fingers
                                                            13.out of the ...........
                                                                                           14.  to be in the .........../...........
15.     ............tape
1.silver2.black3.black4.blue5.red6.pink/green7.pink8.green9.blue10.blue11.grey12.green 13.blue14.red/black15.red



Phrasal Verbs Combo

Phrasal verbs, our dear students? Rather not?
Oh, come on, give yourselves another chance and make short work of these sentences. Get set, go!!!


1.  When does he ……………………………… in? At 8, but today he’s working from home.

2.  Stop ……………………………………. in! We’re discussing personal matters.

3.  He’ll never …………………………….. in. He’s a real fighter.

4.  What time do you usually ……………………………. in? Well, even at 8 if I’m exhausted.

5.  Meg sometimes ………………………….. in on her way home. We love chatting.

6.  …………………………. in here, Adam.  I need to have my prescription filled. It won’t take long.

7.  Why on earth did that roof ……………………………..in? It was supported by two huge rafters!

8.  ………………………………this form in. The doctor shall see you in about five minutes.

9.  I’m afraid I’m unable to make it at ten. I need to make a later appointment. Could you ……………….. me in between six and seven o’clock?

10.            There were no celebrities, just their lookalikes! I can’t believe I was …………………………….in by the concert organizers!
Answers: 1. clock  2.cutting  3. give  4.turn  5. drops  6.Pull  7. fall  8. Fill  9. fix 10.taken

Now match the above phrasal verbs to their synonyms.
a)    To visit sb, pop in ……………………………………………….

b)   To deceive sb …………………………………………………….

c)    To make an appointment………………………………….

d)   To collapse………………………………………………………..

e)    To go to bed ……………………………………………………..

f)    To interrupt………………………………………………………

g)    To complete …………………………………………………….

h)   To stop the car ………………………………………………..

i)     To start work ………………………………………………….

j)    To surrender ……………………………………………………
Answers: a) to drop in  b) to take in   c) to fix in  d) to fall in  e) to turn in   f) to cut in   g) to fill in   h) to pull in               i)to clock in    j) to give in