niedziela, 3 marca 2013


How to describe a picture in your exam?  Which of these are incorrect?
   1. On the bottom
   2. In the top left corner
   3. In the middle
   4. Opposite to the house
   5. In the first plan
   6. We use „can”, „could”, „might” and „may” to speculate about what is presented in the picture.
   7. It looks like is followed by an adjective only.
   8. I suppose and I assume are synonyms.
   9. Instead of repeating in my opinion all the time we can say in/to my mind, in my view
   10. When we describe a picture we never use there is/are.

Correct items: 2, 3, 8, 9
Incorrect ones: 1 – at the bottom; 4 – opposite the house; 5 – in the foreground; 6 – „can” is not used for specualting; 7 – it looks like cannot be followed only by an adjective, we must use a noun after these words; 10 – there is/ are should be used while describing what we can see in the picture.

How would you express the following in English?
   1. Na obrazku widzę dwóch mężczyzn grających w grę planszową.
   2. Ona może być po 20-ce.
   3. Przypuszczam, że w tle widać ogród.
   4. Moim zdaniem  naprzeciwko tego budynku nie ma żadnych ludzi.
   5. Ona wygląda jak zadowolona aktorka.
   6. Na obrazku są trzej młodociani przestępcy, którzy być może ukradli coś ze sklepu.

Suggested answers.
   1. In the picture I can see two men playing a board game.
   2. She might be in her twenties.
   3. I assume there is a garden in the background.
   4. In my view there aren’t any/are no people opposite this building.
   5. She looks like a satisfied actress.
   6. In the picture there are three juvenile delinquents who might have stolen something from
 the shop.