czwartek, 23 kwietnia 2015


We’ll start with some proverbs as a little warm-up activity.
What are the missing words?
1. Never judge a _________ by its cover.
2. Never look a gift ______________ in the mouth.
3. Don’t put all your ____________ in one basket.
4. There’s no _____________ without fire.
5. A _____________ in the hand is worth two in the bush.

We’re sure the task has turned out to be a piece of cake for you, so the answers are just a mere formality :) 
1. book 2. horse       3. eggs 4. smoke             5. bird

Now let us move on to something more challenging yet not arduous.
Paraphrase these sentences using the provided words.
1. He won’t tell us the secret. INTO
He won’t ___________________________________________________________.
2. I’m afraid I have to deal with the conference agenda. SEE
I’m afraid I have to ____________________________________________________.
3. She wrote the number down in order not to forget it.  SO
She wrote the number down ____________________________________________.
4. The government will probably raise the taxes next year. PUT
The government will probably ________________________________________ next year. 
5. We decided to meet in the afternoon so that we could talk about our holiday plans. TO
We decided to meet in the afternoon ______________________________________. 

1. let us into the secret   2. see to/about the conference agenda   3. so as not to forget it
4. put up the taxes 5. to talk about our holiday plans

And a bit of vocabulary.
1. What do you call a group of 12 people who decide whether someone is guilty or not?
2. What do you call someone who sets fire to a building?
3. An offence is a synonym of a crime, true or false?
4. Is community service a kind of a punishment?
5. What do you call a system that allows some criminals not to go to prison or to leave prison, if they behave well?
6. What is flogging?

1. jury    2. arsonist 3. true 4. Yes, it is. 5. probation
6.     a punishment in which someone is severely beaten with a whip or stick