niedziela, 24 marca 2013

Last Minute Reported Speech

Fed up with winter- looking forward to spring? Put on your favourite t-shirt and get some attitude! Here is some of our beloved funny t-shirt quotations changed into reported speech; try to come up with the original…


1.One of the t-shirts assured it wasn’t Photoshop but the person was just that good.

2.The other asked if the person didn’t look too young to be a grandfather.

3.A pink one confirmed that the only thing we had to fear was fear itself and spiders.

4.A tight one ordered to manipulate the data, if all else failed.

5.Another one warned the person was Italian and couldn’t keep calm.

6.A green one confirmed that if you’d met the person’s family, you’d have understood.

7.A large one said that the person had survived the Mayan apocalypse.

8.The yellow one said life was too short to be anything but happy.

9.A blue one said it had taken him/her 60 years to look that good.

10.The last t-shirt asked why Monday was so far away from Friday, and Friday was so near to Monday.


Can you handle these transformations as well? Do not change the word given.


11.”I rang you last night, Julie”, said Brian.

rung            Brian explained to Julie that ……………………………………………………………………………….

12.”You’d better not swim too far away from the shore”, the lifeguard said to us.

advised      The lifeguard ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

13.”Are you working today, Peter?”, she asked.

whether     She asked ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

14.”How much does it cost to go Rome by plane?”, he asked himself.

wondered  He ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

15.”I must have this document translated into French,” said Robert.

had              Robert said that ………………………………………………………………………………………………....



1.      It’s not Photoshop-I’m just that good.

2.      Don’t I look too young to be a grandfather?

3.      The only thing we have to fear is fear itself and spiders

4.      When all else fails, manipulate the data

5.      I am Italian and I cannot keep calm

6.      If you’d met my family, you’d understand

7.      I survived the Mayan apocalypse

8.      Life is too short to be anything but happy

9.      It took me 60 years to look that good

10.  Why is Monday so far away from Friday, and Friday so near to Monday?

11.  Brian explained to Julie that he had rung her the previous night.

12.  The lifeguard advised us not to swim too far away from the shore.

13.  She asked whether Peter was working that day.

14.  He wondered how much it cost to go to Rome by plane.

15.  Robert said that he had to have that document translated into French.