wtorek, 24 marca 2015


The matura exam is drawing near. There are less than 50 days left. Why don’t you squeeze the most out of this time? The tasks have been provided, now the ball is in your court J

Task 1. Match the following words to their definitions.

a) concussion
b) deaf and dumb
c) bruise
d) cast
e) ointment
f) measles
g) stethoscope
h) stretcher
i) cramp
j) operating theatre

a severe pain that you get in part of your body when a muscle becomes too tight, making it difficult for you to move that part of your body
a type of bed used for carrying someone who is too injured or ill to walk
a soft cream that you rub into your skin, especially as a medical treatment
a cover made from plaster, put around an arm, leg etc. to keep a broken bone in place while it mends
an instrument that a doctor uses to listen to your heart or breathing
a small amount of damage to the brain that makes you lose consciousness or feel sick for a short time
an infectious illness in which you have a fever and small red spots on your face and body
a room in a hospital where operations are done
unable to hear or speak
a purple or brown mark on your skin that you get because you have fallen, been hit etc.

Task 2. Choose the correct option.

1. She’s allergic ________ hay. 
A) to
B) on
2. Look at her! She looks marvellous. She is ______ shape.
A) in
B) out of
3. One ought to _______ a sensible diet.
A) eat
B) follow
4. Short-sighted people do not need glasses while driving
 a car.
A) true
B) false
5. She came _______ with the flu and had to take sick leave.
A) up
B) down
6. When you break your arm, you need to use a ______ .
A) swing
B) sling
7. Otitis is an ear illness.
A) true
B) false
8. A physician is a medical doctor.
A) true
B) false

Answer key:
Task 1 – 1i, 2h, 3e, 4d, 5g, 6a, 7f, 8j , 9b, 10c
Task 2 – 1a, 2a, 3b, 4f, 5b, 6b, 7a, 8a

Not enough? Do you want more practice? :) 
Describe the picture. Remember to include three elements:  

WHO is in the picture, WHERE they are, WHAT they are doing.

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