niedziela, 16 grudnia 2012

Phrasal Verbs Combo

Phrasal verbs, our dear students? Rather not?
Oh, come on, give yourselves another chance and make short work of these sentences. Get set, go!!!


1.  When does he ……………………………… in? At 8, but today he’s working from home.

2.  Stop ……………………………………. in! We’re discussing personal matters.

3.  He’ll never …………………………….. in. He’s a real fighter.

4.  What time do you usually ……………………………. in? Well, even at 8 if I’m exhausted.

5.  Meg sometimes ………………………….. in on her way home. We love chatting.

6.  …………………………. in here, Adam.  I need to have my prescription filled. It won’t take long.

7.  Why on earth did that roof …………………………… It was supported by two huge rafters!

8.  ………………………………this form in. The doctor shall see you in about five minutes.

9.  I’m afraid I’m unable to make it at ten. I need to make a later appointment. Could you ……………….. me in between six and seven o’clock?

10.            There were no celebrities, just their lookalikes! I can’t believe I was …………………………….in by the concert organizers!
Answers: 1. clock  2.cutting  3. give  4.turn  5. drops  6.Pull  7. fall  8. Fill  9. fix 10.taken

Now match the above phrasal verbs to their synonyms.
a)    To visit sb, pop in ……………………………………………….

b)   To deceive sb …………………………………………………….

c)    To make an appointment………………………………….

d)   To collapse………………………………………………………..

e)    To go to bed ……………………………………………………..

f)    To interrupt………………………………………………………

g)    To complete …………………………………………………….

h)   To stop the car ………………………………………………..

i)     To start work ………………………………………………….

j)    To surrender ……………………………………………………
Answers: a) to drop in  b) to take in   c) to fix in  d) to fall in  e) to turn in   f) to cut in   g) to fill in   h) to pull in               i)to clock in    j) to give in

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